Program funding has come to an end.  Feel free to check back in the near future to see if new funding is available. (date: November 2024)

Residential Energy Solutions Program

Do you want to save on your energy bills?

Get no-cost energy efficiency upgrades for your home. Whether you are a renter or owner, SDG&E's Residential Energy Solutions Program can help increase your energy efficiency and lower your energy consumption while giving you more comfort in your home. There are several measures that you may qualify for that are listed below.

Smart Thermostat - zip code restrictions apply*

• Lower Energy Usage

• Control Remotely from Smart Phone

• Reduce Demand on The Grid

Lower Cooling & Heating Costs

• AC Tune-up

‍• Smart Fan Controller

Reduce Water Heating

• Low Flow Faucet Aerator

• Low Flow Shower head

• Pipe Wrap

About the Program

The SDG&E Residential Energy Solutions (RES) program is a Zero Net Energy (ZNE)-focused residential single-family program. It helps you start your ZNE journey with no cost energy efficiency products and services and helps you transition to higher levels of energy efficiency and renewable technologies that can potentially be financed. This program also allows you to participate in demand response events to further help the grid and the environment and to increase efficiency of resources to prevent power outages.

How to Participate

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers incentives for both residential and commercial energy customers. Beyond local rebates and incentives, you could be eligible for federal tax credits that significantly reduce the cost of energy-efficient upgrades. These incentives cover a range of improvements including insulation, energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems. Discover how you can maximize your savings and contribute to a greener future by taking advantage of these.

  1. Call 1-888-272-8394 to request an appointment for a energy assessment at no cost. 
  2. Receive No Cost Efficiency Upgrades. 
  3. Enjoy Energy Savings. 

*Synergy Companies is an authorized service provider for San Diego Gas & Electric.

*Residences located in Orange County and have SoCalGas as a fuel provider will have limited or no measures available to them

The Residential Energy Solutions Program is funded by California utility customers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission and implemented by Synergy Companies under a contract awarded by San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®). Customers who choose to participate in this program are not obligated to purchase any additional services offered by the contractor. Actual savings may vary. The trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

This program is available on a first-come, first-served basis until allocated funds are no longer available or the program is terminated. This program may be modified or terminated without notice. Limitation may apply. Not all customers will qualify for all products and services. SDG&E does not endorse or warrant any manufacturer products and shall not be liable or responsible for claims arising from the purchase, installation, use of performance of any products.